How to Fix a Geothermal Heat Pump Not Blowing Hot Air

Geothermal Heat Pump Not Blowing Hot Air: A geothermal heat pump utilizes the natural energy from the earth to heat and cool your home. However, like any other system, it may sometimes malfunction and stop working correctly. One of the most common issues that geothermal heat pump owners face is when the system fails to blow hot air during winter. This can cause discomfort in your home and lead to higher energy bills.


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Geothermal heat pumps are eligible for various government incentives due to their energy efficiency.


Fortunately, there are solutions that you can try before calling a professional. This blog post will explain the possible causes of this problem and how to fix it. We will also provide tips to prevent this issue from occurring.

Causes of a Geothermal Heat Pump Not Blowing Hot Air

There are several reasons why your geothermal heat pump might not be blowing hot air, such as:

Geothermal Heat Pump Not Blowing Hot Air

Low refrigerant charge

The refrigerant is a fluid that circulates in the underground loop and is responsible for transferring heat between the ground and your home. If there is a refrigerant leak or improper installation, the refrigerant level can become low, affecting the system’s ability to absorb heat from the ground and deliver it to your home. As a result, your system may output low or no heating.

Dirty or blocked components

The geothermal heat pump system comprises several components: the outdoor condenser, indoor air handler, filter, coils, and ducts. Any of these components can become dirty or blocked by dust, debris, plants, or other obstructions, which can reduce airflow and heat transfer. This can make your system less efficient and effective and cause it to blow lukewarm or cold air. Therefore, it’s important to ensure that all the components are kept clean and free of any obstructions.

Malfunctioning thermostat or settings

The thermostat is responsible for controlling the temperature and operation of your HVAC system. If your thermostat is faulty, incorrectly set, or incompatible with your system, it may send incorrect signals to your HVAC system or fail to sense the indoor temperature accurately. This can cause your HVAC system to function improperly or not work at all.

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Frozen components

Depending on the season, the geothermal heat pump operates in heating and cooling modes. In cooling mode, the system removes heat from your home and transfers it to the ground, while in heating mode, it reverses the process and transfers heat from the ground to your house. However, suppose the outdoor temperature drops too low, or the system isn’t defrosting correctly. In that case, the outdoor condenser or underground loop may freeze, preventing the system from absorbing heat from the ground and causing it to blow cold air.

Broken or worn-out parts

The geothermal heat pump system comprises several components, including the compressor, fan, valves, and relays. Over time, these parts may become worn out, break down, or fail due to various factors such as age, usage, or damage. As a result, the system’s performance and functionality can be impacted, leading to issues such as blowing cold air or not working at all. It’s essential to keep these components in good condition through regular maintenance to ensure the system functions properly.

Solutions for a Geothermal Heat Pump Not Blowing Hot Air

Depending on the cause of the problem, there are different solutions that you can try to fix your geothermal heat pump not blowing hot air, such as:

Check and recharge the refrigerant level.

If you suspect that your cooling system has a low refrigerant charge, it’s essential to contact a qualified technician to check and recharge the refrigerant level. This is not a task to be done by yourself, as refrigerant is a hazardous substance that requires special tools and skills. The technician will also inspect the system for any leaks; if any are found, they will repair them as necessary.

Clean and clear the components

Regular maintenance of your HVAC system is crucial to keep it performing efficiently. If you notice any dirty or blocked components, you should immediately clean and clear them. Some tasks, like replacing the air filter, trimming plants around the outdoor unit, and vacuuming the indoor vents, can be done by yourself. However, hiring a technician to service your system at least once a year is recommended for more thorough and professional cleaning. The technician will clean the coils, the fan, the ducts, and other parts of your system and ensure they are in good condition.

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Adjust or replace the thermostat or settings.

If you suspect that your heating or cooling system is not functioning correctly due to a malfunctioning thermostat or incorrect settings, it is crucial to take the necessary steps to check and adjust them accordingly. To troubleshoot a malfunctioning thermostat, follow these steps:

  1. Ensure the thermostat is set to the correct mode, temperature, and fan speed compatible with your system.
  2. Try resetting the thermostat by turning it off and on or by following the manufacturer’s instructions.
  3. If the thermostat still does not work correctly, you may need to replace it with a new one.

Defrost or thaw the components

To avoid damage to your system, it’s important to defrost frozen components promptly. You can do this by turning off the system and allowing it to sit for a few hours or using a hair dryer or warm cloth. Remember to exercise caution and make sure the defrost cycle is functioning correctly. Contact a technician if necessary.

Repair or replace the broken or worn-out parts

If you notice that any parts of your system have become broken or worn out, it is essential to get in touch with a professional technician as soon as possible. Attempting to repair or replace complex and expensive parts on your own could result in further damage and could be hazardous. A trained technician will be able to diagnose the issue and offer you the most suitable solution for your system.

Tips to Prevent a Geothermal Heat Pump Not Blowing Hot Air

To prevent your geothermal heat pump from not blowing hot air in the future, you should follow these tips:

  • Regular Maintenance: Schedule annual maintenance with a qualified technician to inspect, clean, and tune up your system. Before potential issues escalate, identify them and resolve them.
  • Air Filter Care: Change your air filter every three months or more frequently if you have pets, allergies, or a dusty environment. Prevent reduced airflow and system strain by keeping the filter clean.

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  • Outdoor Unit and Loop Maintenance: Keep the outdoor unit and underground loop clear of obstructions like plants, snow, leaves, or debris. Regularly check for leaks or damage in the loop and promptly address any issues.
  • Thermostat Optimization: Use the right thermostat and settings for your system. Adjust them based on comfort needs, avoiding extremes that lead to unnecessary energy consumption. Steer clear of frequent system on-off cycles to prevent wear and tear on components.

By following these simple steps, you can ensure the efficient and trouble-free operation of your heating and cooling system.

Geothermal Heat Pump Not Blowing Hot Air ~ Conclusion

A geothermal heat pump that isn’t blowing hot air is a common issue with various causes and solutions. You can try some methods on your own or get assistance from a professional technician. You can also avoid having this problem in the future by following a few simple steps. A geothermal heat pump is an excellent technology that may deliver both comfort and savings if adequately maintained.


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