Fan Coil vs Heat Pump: A Guide to Choosing the Right HVAC System for Your Home

Fan Coil vs Heat Pump: If you are looking for a way to heat and cool your home efficiently and comfortably, you might wonder whether to choose a fan coil or a heat pump system. Both of these options are designed to provide heating and cooling by using water as a medium, but they have different mechanisms and advantages. In this blog post, we will explain what fan coils and heat pumps are, how they work, and their pros and cons. We will also help you decide which is better for your home based on your needs and preferences.

What is a Fan Coil?

A fan coil unit (FCU) is a device that includes a fan and a coil of pipes carrying hot or cold water. The fan blows air over the coil, which either heats or cools the air, depending on the season. The conditioned air is circulated into the room or space where the FCU is placed. FCUs can be stand-alone or connected to a central air handling unit (AHU), which provides air to multiple FCUs. FCUs help regulate room temperature by blowing air over hot or cold water pipes and circulating the conditioned air into the room.

What is a Heat Pump?

A heat pump is a device that operates by moving heat from one place to another via a refrigerant cycle. It can extract heat from the outdoor air (air-source heat pump) or the ground (ground-source or geothermal heat pump) and transfer it to the indoor air or water. Alternatively, it can remove heat from the indoor air or water and release it outside. By reversing the direction of the refrigerant flow, the heat pump can provide both heating and cooling, making it a versatile device for regulating indoor temperature. You can view our in-depth guide on Geothermal Heat Pump Maintenance.

Understand Fan Coil vs Heat Pump with Factors

Fan Coil vs Heat Pump: How Do They Compare?

When choosing between fan coils and heat pumps, it’s essential to consider their differences and how they may affect their performance, cost, and suitability for your home. Both fan coils and heat pumps are designed to be energy-efficient and eco-friendly, using water as a heat transfer medium instead of burning fossil fuels. However, there are some important factors to consider when comparing the two.


Heat pumps are more efficient than fan coils because they use cooling towers or geothermal loops to extract heat from a low-temperature source. On the other hand, fan coils transfer heat by using hot or cold water in coils. Heat pumps can operate at a lower temperature difference, which means they require less energy to move heat. According to the U.S. Department of Energy, heat pumps can deliver up to three times more heat energy than they consume in electricity. In contrast, fan coils can only deliver up to 100% of the heat energy in the water.


Fan coils are generally easier to access and less expensive to install compared to heat pumps. They require less space and equipment and can be mounted on the wall, ceiling, or floor, connected to existing ductwork, or used as ductless units. On the other hand, heat pumps need more space and equipment, such as cooling towers, pumps, pipes, valves, and controls. It’s crucial to have qualified professionals install heat pumps to ensure proper sizing, placement, and system operation.

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Fan coils and heat pumps require regular maintenance to ensure optimal performance and longevity. Periodic cleaning and inspection of fan coils is necessary to prevent dust, dirt, and debris from clogging the coil and fan, which can reduce airflow and efficiency. Annual servicing of heat pumps is necessary to check refrigerant level, pressure, and flow and to ensure that components are in good condition. Heat pumps must also be protected from freezing, corrosion, and leaks, which can damage the system and create safety hazards.


Both fan coils and heat pumps create noise while operating, but the amount and type of noise may vary depending on the location and model of the unit. Fan coils produce more noise than heat pumps. This is because the fan blows air over the coil, and the noise level of fan coils can range from 30 to 60 decibels (dB), depending on the size and speed of the fan. On the other hand, heat pumps are relatively quieter than fan coils since they have a compressor that moves the refrigerant through the system. The noise level of heat pumps can range from 40 to 55 dB, depending on the type and size of the compressor.

What are the Advantages of Fan Coils?

Fan coils have advantages over heat pumps that may make them more suitable for your home. Some of the benefits of fan coils are:

  • Cost-effectiveness: Fan coils are more affordable to purchase and install than heat pumps, thanks to their smaller size and simpler design.


  • Flexibility: Fan coils can be installed in various locations and configurations and can be connected to existing ductwork or operated as ductless units, making them more versatile than heat pumps.


  • Compatibility: Fan coils are more compatible with existing heating and cooling systems than heat pumps, as they can work with boilers, chillers, or solar panels to provide hot or cold water to the coil.

What are the Disadvantages of Fan Coils?

Fan coils also have disadvantages over heat pumps that may make them less suitable for your home. Some of the drawbacks of fan coils are:

  • Fan coils are not as efficient as heat pumps. They use more energy to transfer heat than to extract it from a low-temperature source.


  • Fan coils are not environmentally friendly, as they emit more carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases than heat pumps. On the other hand, heat pumps use renewable energy sources such as air or ground.

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  • Fan coils are not as comfortable as heat pumps. They can create uneven room temperatures and humidity levels, producing more noise and vibration than heat pumps.

What are the Benefits of Heat Pumps?

Heat pumps offer several advantages over fan coils, making them a more suitable option for your home. The following are some of the benefits of heat pumps:

  • They are more efficient than fan coils, requiring less energy to move heat than to transfer it from a high-temperature source.


  • They are more eco-friendly than fan coils, using renewable energy sources like air or ground to provide heating and cooling and emitting fewer greenhouse gases and carbon dioxide than fan coils.


  • They are more comfortable than fan coils, as they can maintain consistent temperatures and humidity levels in the room and produce less noise and vibration.

What are the Drawbacks of Heat Pumps?

Heat pumps come with certain disadvantages compared to fan coils, which might make them less suitable for your home. Here are some of the drawbacks that come with heat pumps:

  • They are costlier to purchase and install than fan coils, as they require more space and equipment and must be installed by qualified professionals.


  • They are less flexible than fan coils when it comes to installation, as they can only be installed in specific locations and configurations and might not be compatible with existing ductwork or heating and cooling systems.


  • They are more prone to damage and malfunction than fan coils, as they have more complex components and mechanisms and require protection from freezing, corrosion, and leaks.

Which One is Better for Your Home?

There is no definitive answer about which HVAC system is best for your home. The ideal system depends on your needs, preferences, budget, and location. To help you decide, here are some general guidelines:

  • If you’re looking for an affordable and straightforward installation option that can work with your current heating and cooling system, a fan coil unit might be your preferred choice.


  • On the other hand, a heat pump system may be more suitable if you’re searching for an eco-friendly and high-efficiency option that can offer consistent and comfortable heating and cooling.

To select the ideal HVAC system for your home, it’s best to seek assistance from a professional HVAC contractor who can evaluate your property and suggest the most suitable option. Additionally, a skilled HVAC contractor can guide you through installing, maintaining, and repairing your HVAC system while ensuring that it functions safely and efficiently.


In conclusion, fan coil and heat pump are two heating and cooling system types. The fan coil uses water in the coil to transfer heat, while the heat pump uses refrigerant. The fan coil is cheaper but less energy efficient and comfortable. Heat pumps are more expensive but more energy-efficient and comfortable. Choose the system based on your home size, layout, climate, budget, and preference. Get professional help from a qualified HVAC technician for inspection, repair, or installation.


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